Home Warranties
Altasurance News
You can now add even more coverage for your home from Altasurance with home warranties
When you own a home, having really good homeowners insurance provides financial protection from catastrophic events that happen to your home itself. However, no homeowners insurance out there truly covers everything. Another way of looking at it is your Homeowners Insurance covers events that may happen to the structure of your home – like storm damage, a fire or burglary. A home warranty, on the other hand, covers things that almost definitely will happen like an appliance breaking down, your air conditioning unit going out or an issue with your electrical system.
Why we are offering Home Warranties
As your independent insurance agents, we work for you. A fundamental part of our job is to help you navigate financial risks including those involved in homeownership. We always strive to help you assess and understand those risks that could occur from your very first day as a client. So, offering our clients a strong, reliable Home Warranty product allows us to further our ability to serve your needs.
One of the many values in the independent insurance model – for both you as a client and us as a company, is that you have access to more solutions from under one roof. Your trusted Altasurance agent can help you and advise you without bias with regard to covering yourself from risk & liability. Ultimately, in offering home warranties our objective is to provide you with more complete coverage from the agency & agent with whom you already have an established relationship.
A new approach to Home Warranties
It can often be very tricky when establishing a relationship with a third-party provider, or even offering suggestions for local service providers. At Altasurance we work incredibly hard at establishing trust with our clients. Recommending even the best, most-reputable vendors could harm our relationship with you if something were to go wrong. So, we are very selective.
The provider of Home Warranties that we have chosen, Armadillo, is a little newer than many of their competitors. But, don’t be alarmed by their age as a company – they have some serious financial backing. Armadillo was founded with the pure and simple purpose of solving the big problems that can come with many home warranties by offering a simple yet better alternative. And after much vetting and consideration, they were clearly the right partner for our company.
Armadillo makes it very quick and easy to get a quote for your home warranty. And, when you get your quote you will see exactly what will be included, as well as how much coverage you will receive for all of the various systems and appliances in your home. The contract is concise, easy to understand, and 80% of the exclusions that you might find in most home warranty plans have been removed.
Armadillo Home Warranty plans are customizable and scalable. You can choose from 3 tiers of coverage, select your deductible, and can even add on some cool features like guaranteed brand-for-brand appliance replacement. So what’s the catch? We couldn’t find one – even after many hours of research, vetting, and discussions directly with the CEO at Armadillo. And that’s why we chose them!
If you would like to get a Home Warranty quote you can do so in less than 60 seconds by clicking this link. And, if you have questions or would like more information about the home warranties offered through Altasurance please contact your agent at any time.
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