Now Available:

Referral Rewards

For Altasurance Clients

Altasurance News

Get rewarded when you refer friends and family to Altasurance

We are incredibly grateful for our family of clients and all of the support that you have provided – past, present & future. So, as our way of saying “Thank you!” we wanted to develop a fun yet simple Altasurance Rewards program.

Altasurance Referrals & Rewards

As with all local businesses, Altasurance relies on referrals of new customers from our existing clients. It’s truly the lifeblood of our company. The support that you provide through referrals allows us to continue developing new services and growing our team.
Through our new referral program, you will be rewarded for every referral that you send our way when they request and review a quote for new insurance. Once your referrals have reviewed their quotes with an Altasurance agent you will be rewarded with a $10 Visa gift card – even if they do not choose Altasurance. And, for every 5th referral sent to Altasurance you get a bonus $25 Visa gift card.

Here’s what that will look like:

1st referral = $10 Visa gift card

2nd referral = $10 Visa gift card

3rd referral = $10 Visa gift card

4th referral = $10 Visa gift cardrd

5th referral = $10 Visa gift card
+$25 BONUS Visa Gift Card

It’s Easy to Start Getting Rewards

That’s $10 for each referral and a Bonus $25 gift card for your fifth referral. And, that’s a total of $75 in Visa gift cards just for helping 5 of your friends and family, while supporting your favorite locally owned insurance agency! Plus, there’s no limit to how many referrals you can send or how many rewards you can receive. So you can send as many referrals as you want and the rewards will keep coming your way!

It really is that simple to earn some easy rewards from Altasurance!


For complete terms and more information about the Altasurance Referrals & Rewards program please click this link or contact your Altasuranace agent at any time.